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Which jews harp is best for a beginner?

Viktor Dyomin

Victor interested jew's harps briefly saw this instrument in some movie, started playing and soon wanted to expand its arsenal. However, to buy a novelty was simply nowhere and he began to make their own, the benefit of working with metal he worked professionally at the factory. In five years, the master had too many options for sound and formed a set of about a dozen personal trumps all stripes, but to stop there is not going to - it attracts a variety of sound and richness of colors. "Ideally trumps should be a lot," says Victor, leading continuous work on improvement of the existing and the new discovery. In 2011, he met with Eugene Kalmykov, who engage in the manufacture spodvig his trumps to a new level. There are tools and other masters. Play prefer the outdoors, trying to learn new technology. Although varganostroenie takes him most of the time, it's not the only passion: Victor plays the sitar, which draws its "richness" of sound - like a Jew's harp - and is also a "native" tool. I tried to learn piano and guitar, he plans to take up the Indian two-sided drum. Among other hobbies - oriental philosophy, music, metal, wood, engraving, makume Ghana and "a little bit of invention." And finally, all the wishes from the master - constantly evolve!

Ukraine, Lugansk

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Ukrainian Vargans

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 (Ukrainian Vargans)
 (Ukrainian Vargans)
 (Ukrainian Vargans)
 (Ukrainian Vargans)
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Dyomin's "Big Brass" Vargan (Ukrainian Vargans)
Dyomin's "Big" Vargan (Ukrainian Vargans) Dyomin's "Small Brass" Vargan (Ukrainian Vargans) Dyomin's "Small" Vargan (Ukrainian Vargans) Dyomin's "Space Bass" Vargan (Ukrainian Vargans)
Dyomin's "Space" Vargan (Ukrainian Vargans) Dyomin's "Thin Bass" Coated Vargan (Ukrainian Vargans) Dyomin's "Thin" Vargan (Ukrainian Vargans)

Russian Vargans

VD1028 "Rpen" Vargan (Russian Vargans) VD1029 "Sungir" Vargan (Russian Vargans) VD1048 "Kuftiga" Vargan (Russian Vargans) VD1049 "Pescherga" Vargan (Russian Vargans)
VD973 "Sodyshka" Vargan (Russian Vargans) VD974 "Lybed" Vargan (Russian Vargans) VD975 "Solovukha" Vargan (Russian Vargans) VD976 "Stiver" Vargan (Russian Vargans)
VD977 "Space" 2016 Vargan (Russian Vargans) VD978 "Space" 2016 Big Vargan (Russian Vargans)


Vargan VD1153 L2 (Rarities) Vargan VD1154 L3 (Rarities) Vargan VD1155 L4 (Rarities)
Warning! Overwhelming majority of jaw harps presented are single pieces or made by hand, in very small quantities, instruments. There is no jaw harp factories exists; every one is unique in details, in different degree.
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