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Which jews harp is best for a beginner?

Vargan "Shuksha"

Vargan "Shuksha"
Russian Vargans /
Oberton Pro Lab measurements:
Gaps: 100-150 µm (?)
Base frequency: 80-90 Hz (?)
Reed hardness: 70 gf (?)
Frame hardness: 400-500 gf (?)
Reed size: 55x20 mm
Overall dimensions: 70x30x5 mm (?)
Weight: 20 g
Is case included: woodblock (?)
Compatible Cases and Other Accessories

Shipping: from 2 USD (more...)
Stock: No (when will be in stock?)
Restock notification

best price
The shape of this jaw harp copies the shape of TV591, but acoustically they have absolutely nothing in common. The "Shuksha" sound is very quiet and dull, there are absolutely no high components. A single “pluck” will not cause absolutely any interest in those who seek a beautiful sound. But on the other hand, there are no frank trembling overtones, oversaturation, mechanical buzzing - and this focuses all attention on the sound changes made by the player. Vargan does not drown himself and forces player to develop articulation and intonation, to “sing” - it is more musical than many sophisticated brothers with a “beautiful sound”.