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Which jews harp is best for a beginner?

MM971 "Titan" Vargan

MM971 "Titan" Vargan
Russian Vargans /
Oberton Pro Lab measurements:
Gaps: 100-150 µm (?)
Base frequency: 48-60 Hz (?)
Reed hardness: 90-110 gf (?)
Frame hardness: 500 gf (?)
Reed size: 120x25 mm
Overall dimensions: 130x35x9 mm (?)
Archived model (?)
Weighty jews harp with a thick frame has a sound, consistent with its appearance - it is a deep and nice bass. Tactile sensations are not far behind - the reed is moderately hard and heavy, felt by finger. The gaps are large and, limiting the frequency range, smooth tone irregularities. Operating "in groups of overtones" quite comfortable in the available range. In addition, high resistance to frame relative compression, makes it easy to start with the instrument. Reed elbow is long and not very hard, adding a traditional for master's instruments overtones and surprises in the form of a frankly non-harmonic bursts during fast changes of striking direction on some parts of the trajectory. Ring rustling. Removable magnetic ball-weighting is used to change the pitch, but both the frame of "Titan" and the reed are magnetic and, in addition to all the "ornaments", jews harp has a typical "magnetic" extra sound, audible only in very small amplitudes. Such combination of parameters, without a doubt, will be welcomed by any beginner, but those who looking for acoustic aesthetics will find a lot of restrictions.