Current shipping/payment changes: we ship with generic mail and DHL to ALL countries. Some delays (+2-4 weeks) are possible for overseas destinations (America, Japan, Australia), because of air flights shortage and parcels redirection to sea way. Ground destinations (Europe, Asia) can be slower by 1-2 weeks. We do accept foreign Visa/MC payments and WeChat Pay, QIWI, Yandex.Money. Paypal is not accepted now.

Which jews harp is best for a beginner?

Learning Materials /
Oberton Pro Lab measurements:
Overall dimensions: 190x140x0 mm (?)
Archived model (?)
DVD выпущен в 1999 году Японской Ассоциацией Варгана совместно с якутским Международным Центром Варганной Музыки и содержит 15 видеоуроков для обучения игре на варгане с уклоном в сторону якутского стиля.