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Which jews harp is best for a beginner?

DR985 "Drevurad" Vargan

DR985 "Drevurad" Vargan
Russian Vargans /
Oberton Pro Lab measurements:
Gaps: 50 µm (?)
Base frequency: 65-130 Hz (?)
Reed hardness: 70-120 gf (?)
Frame hardness: 300-500 gf (?)
Reed size: 70x15-17 mm
Overall dimensions: 80x40x7 mm (?)
Archived model (?)
Vargan with a fairly even sound, not drowning overtones and disposed to intonation. There is no piercing and latitude in timbre, loudness and sensitivity are not high. When the return stroke increases, the knee is trembling. The instrument is not scattered by sheaves of sparks and does not have perfect harmony, but is lively and musical.