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Which jews harp is best for a beginner?

Alexander Zhdanov

Zhdanov Alexander was born in the Kemerovo region in 1961, now lives in a suburb of Tomsk and tried many professions from the furrier to the navigator, working in stone-cutting workshop. It adheres to the Old Believers (Vedic) culture; studying the ancient culture of Siberian peoples interested in the jew's harp and in 2005 began making them himself. The first models were made of bronze; Master then went on rolling brass. The design of the instruments periodically amended; the latter was an increase in the size of 10mm and thickness of 1 mm.

Russia, Tomsk

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Warning! Overwhelming majority of jaw harps presented are single pieces or made by hand, in very small quantities, instruments. There is no jaw harp factories exists; every one is unique in details, in different degree.
Способы оплаты - Webmoney, Яндекс.Деньги, Qiwi, Paypal, VISA, Mastercard