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Which jews harp is best for a beginner?

Juhana Nyurhinen

Juhana Nyurhinen - known Finnish master manufacturer of traditional musical instruments, preserves known nowadays little secrets. The material for various wind instruments, percussion and Sturno is wood, birch bark, leather, horn, bone, bronze, iron and steel, which is processed according to old recipes. Tools speak the language masters, combines modern simplicity and archaic brutality. Johan fond of traditional music since childhood and to make their own tools, he started as a teenager; Now he is actively involved in all the major musical events and collaborates with folk groups as a musician and instrument maker.

Finland, Tampere

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Finland Munniharppu

JN280 Munniharppy "Pyuhajarvi" (Finland Munniharppu)
Warning! Overwhelming majority of jaw harps presented are single pieces or made by hand, in very small quantities, instruments. There is no jaw harp factories exists; every one is unique in details, in different degree.
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