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Which jews harp is best for a beginner?

DG807 "Mashak" Vargan

DG807 "Mashak" Vargan ' . L('index_recommended_1') . '
Russian Vargans /
Oberton Pro Lab measurements:
Gaps: 10-80 µm (?)
Base frequency: 65-75 Hz (?)
Reed hardness: 110-120 gf (?)
Frame hardness: 200-350 gf (?)
Reed size: 75x15 mm
Overall dimensions: 118x45x4 mm (?)
Weight: 50 g
57 USD
Is case included: woodblock (?)
Compatible Cases and Other Accessories

Shipping: from 2 USD (more...)
Stock: Yes (2) (B/1) (?)

best price
Loud, crisp, puncture sound. Great sensitivity and absolute stability. Requires gentle handling! One of the best jew's harps in the world (for those who like saturated, medium-pitched sound). Slightly higher and less precise than "Bashtur".