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Электроварган SA-V4 (Башкирские кубызы)

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Интересно было бы услышать примеры игры в действии. 

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Will the electric jews harp work with any jews harp? I have two Black Fire jews harps that I would like to use with it.

thank you

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Depends on key and shape. Most of them can be inserted but sound volume can be lower because of bigger gap between magnet core and reed.

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17 minutes ago, 0leg said:

Depends on key and shape. Most of them can be inserted but sound volume can be lower because of bigger gap between magnet core and reed.

Ok, thank you for your response. Is there a key and shape that the manufacturer recommends? Does the unit come with a harp, or does everyone who purchases this always supply their own?


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As stated in description, simple jh is included. Key does not matter but shape define compatibility. Sometimes we have some great options, please ask before purchase directly. It is not a streamlined thing because huge amount of sizes and shapes available each moment.

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Hello Oleg,

Thank you again for patiently answering my questions. Here is a photo of the JH I would like to use with the electric JH, if possible. It is a BlackFire key of G and I also have a slightly larger BlackFire key of E. I like using these because of their tone and precise tuning, so it would be good to know (as best as you can determine) if they will work fairly well with the electronic device.




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I can say for sure only after live testing, but we have no them in stock now to check...

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Ok, thank you. I just thought you might have one there because I bought the BlackFires from your site..

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Hi There,

Ok, I purchased and have my SA-V4! I think I have figured out the Hz tuning situation—although I’m not entirely clear on why the other two +/- buttons are called simply “sound.”

But why I’m really writing is because I see a little light next to the charging jack. Should it be on when the the charger is plugged in? It is never on, so I am wondering what it is supposed to indicate..

thank you


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I’m afraid I have more questions (it would be very nice if the device came with a simple set of instructions!)

There are three soft pads between the two harder pieces of plastic that hold the jews harp in place. Should there be one on top (where you tighten the screws) and two on bottom, the opposite, or doesn’t it matter? How tight should the screws be? Just enough to keep the harp from moving? 

Also, the leather-covered electronic magnetic vibrator part gets warm after a few minutes of usage—not too hot to hold, but warm. Is this normal? 

thank you




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В 21.08.2022 в 15:31, d1st сказал:

Ok, I purchased and have my SA-V4! I think I have figured out the Hz tuning situation—although I’m not entirely clear on why the other two +/- buttons are called simply “sound.”

But why I’m really writing is because I see a little light next to the charging jack. Should it be on when the the charger is plugged in? It is never on, so I am wondering what it is supposed to indicate..

It will light when battery becomes completely discharged.

В 22.08.2022 в 05:20, d1st сказал:

There are three soft pads between the two harder pieces of plastic that hold the jews harp in place. Should there be one on top (where you tighten the screws) and two on bottom, the opposite, or doesn’t it matter? How tight should the screws be? Just enough to keep the harp from moving? 

Doesnt matter - it can reduce gliding in some cases or make holding surface more gentle for mirror-polished frames... Can be removed completely, if jh sits calmly. Screwing force - try to keep minimal, not to broke plastic holder.


В 22.08.2022 в 05:20, d1st сказал:

Also, the leather-covered electronic magnetic vibrator part gets warm after a few minutes of usage—not too hot to hold, but warm. Is this normal? 


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I have purchased an Oberton Pro "Kyshtym" Jaw Harp on Amazon, and I would like to know if it works with the SA-V4.

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Yes, all info on site is correct.

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